If you purchased your tax report but can't locate it on the Tax Reports page, here are two troubleshooting steps we recommend taking!
Double check that you are viewing the correct tax year
When searching for your tax reports, make sure you're viewing the correct year on the Tax Reports page. For example, if I only purchased my 2024 tax report but I am viewing the 2023 tax reports page, my tax reports will show as "locked" and prompt me to upgrade to unlock them.
The fix here would be switching to the correct tax year on the Tax Reports page. To switch between different tax years and view another year's tax report on your account, select the drop-down menu at the top of the Tax Reports page, as shown below. You should be able to toggle between all of the different tax years on your account there.
Once you navigate to the correct year, you should be able to view and download your tax reports.
Make sure your country is properly set in Tax Settings
If you purchased your tax reports but can't find them on your account, another cause could be that your country in Tax Settings was not configured properly.
To see if this is the case, head to the Tax Settings page by selecting the profile picture in the top right corner of your CoinLedger account.
Once you've navigated to your Tax Settings, you can view your country as well as your currency and time zone. If your country is set incorrectly here, changing it should resolve your issue and allow you to find your tax forms on the Tax Reports page.
For example: if I bought my 2024 tax reports but I can't locate my TurboTax Online CSV file, I should first double check that my country in Tax Settings is set to the United States. If it was not, changing my country to the US will resolve my issue.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our Support Team at any time!