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How can I import my wallet transactions?
How can I import my wallet transactions?

Learn how to import your self-custody wallets into CoinLedger

Benjamin Yoder avatar
Written by Benjamin Yoder
Updated over a week ago

You may use a self-custodied wallet to buy, sell, trade, or safely store your crypto. Whether it's a mobile app like Trust Wallet or a hardware wallet such as Ledger, you can import your transactions into CoinLedger in just a few clicks. Here's how:

โ€‹Step 1
From within your self custody wallet, find your public Receive wallet address.

Step 2
In the CoinLedger app, head to the Import stage and click Add Account.

Search for the name of your wallet. If it comes up, select that button and follow the on-screen prompts. If your wallet doesn't come up, though, don't worry-we can still import your transactions! Learn how by skipping ahead to Step 4.

Once you select the wallet you'd like to import, press Connect Wallet on the next screen. Here you'll be prompted to select a blockchain. In this example, I selected my MetaMask wallet and chose the Ethereum blockchain.

Step 3

Next, paste in your Public Wallet address. CoinLedger will automatically scan this address to see if it was used on any other blockchains and will then prompt you to import your transactions from each of those chains. This allows you to import all of your transactions in one easy, seamless experience. To proceed, press Agree.

After a moment, CoinLedger will ask you to review each of the blockchains it automatically suggested. You can remove or modify any of the suggestions on this screen. Once you're ready to proceed with your import, select Sync Transactions!

After a few moments, each of your blockchain imports will be complete.

Step 4
If the name of your wallet returned no search results, you can instead import your transactions by selecting each Blockchain that your wallet uses. You'll have to import your transactions for each blockchain separately. For example, if you use Bitcoin, ETH and SOL on your MetaMask wallet, you'll have to add BTC, ETH and SOL accounts in CoinLedger and paste each respective wallet address for these blockchains into our app.

Do this for each blockchain you've used in your wallet.

For a list of the blockchains and dapps that CoinLedger supports, check out this guide. You can also see each blockchain our app supports by clicking the Blockchain filter after selecting Add Account as shown above.

Step 5
At the top right of your screen, press Connect. Then, paste your wallet address into the box and press Connect Wallet.

Note that you should import your Receive address for each blockchain you've used. Repeat this process for every blockchain you've used in your self-custody wallet.

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