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Bitcoin - Blockchain Import Guide

Import your Bitcoin wallet transactions into CoinLedger

David Kemmerer avatar
Written by David Kemmerer
Updated over a week ago

You can import your Bitcoin transactions into CoinLedger by entering your XPUB address for Bitcoin into the Import page. Learn more about locating your XPUB here.

1. Add a Bitcoin wallet account

Select Bitcoin as an account you used from within the Import page of CoinLedger.

2. Find the public address for your wallet

Paste in your public address to CoinLedger by selecting Connect Wallet, and then import your transactions.

Uncategorized transactions

Note - if you swapped crypto from smart contracts that CoinLedger does not integrate with yet, these transactions will be imported as Uncategorized. You can properly map those transactions from the Transactions page within CoinLedger. Learn more about classifying Uncategorized transactions in this guide.

What happens if I don’t classify Uncategorized transactions?

Uncategorized transactions are treated by default as non-taxable self-wallet transfers.

Uncategorized transactions that are left alone and not further classified will not directly impact your tax report or capital gains.

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