CoinLedger only needs "Read" or "View" access to import your trade history. This permission protects your accounts. Learn more about API access in this article here.
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Legacy Import Instructions
API Import Walkthrough
Step 1:
Log in to your Liquid account.
Step 2:
Select your profile in the upper right corner and then click API Token from the dropdown list.
Step 3:
Click on Create API Token.
Step 4:
Select Read for every permission. Be sure NOT to add any IP address to the IP whitelist.
Then, Input your 2FA Code and select Create Token.
Step 5:
Store your Token ID and Token Secret in a safe place, as this data is not accessible once you close this window.
Step 6:
Back in the CoinLedger, enter your Token Id and Token Secret from earlier steps into their matching fields on the Liquid tab, and press Sync Transactions.
When importing your transaction history via API, you will have the option to specify a start date for your import. This feature is designed to prevent duplicate data from being imported. You can access this feature by hitting the Import Settings drop down menu, as shown below, and then specifying a date for your import to start from. All transactions after this date will be imported. You should not do this if you are importing all of your transactions into CoinLedger for the first time.
Liquid API Limitations
Liquid has recently paused withdrawals and deposits in accordance with bankruptcy proceedings and may not be available in your market. If this is the case, please reach out to their Customer Support directly. Alternatively, you can import your transactions from these exchanges into CoinLedger using our Universal Manual Import template.