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Import Fiat Purchases from Binance

Follow this guide if you bought crypto using debit, credit, or ACH on Binance

David Kemmerer avatar
Written by David Kemmerer
Updated over a week ago

The Binance Trade History file does not include fiat purchases made with debit, credit, or ACH deposits. If you are using this file to import for Binance you will need to import this additional file in order to account for fiat purchases.

Binance API import does include fiat purchases, so if that option is available to you that is the recommended import method for Binance.

How to import your Buy Crypto History file from Binance

Step 1:

Log in to your Binance account

Step 2:

Hover over the Orders dropdown menu and click on the Buy Crypto History option

Any transactions that appear under Buy, Sell, Convert, or Binance Access will not be returned by Binance API.

Step 3:

Click on Export on the right side. Then select Past 3 months to set the date range.

Step 4:

Select the full date range of your trading history on Binance.

Binance only allows you to export files in 3-month intervals so you may need to export multiple files here. For each year of trading you should set the date range as follows:

  • January 1st - March 31st

  • April 1st - June 30th

  • July 1st - September 30th

  • October 1st - December 31st

Step 5:

Import the Buy History File into the Binance tab in Step 1 of the CoinLedger App.

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