You can import your TON transactions into CoinLedger by entering your public wallet address into the Import stage of the CoinLedger app. Scroll down on this page for step-by-step instructions on importing your TON transactions into CoinLedger!
Step-By-Step Import Instructions:
Step 1: Add a TON Account
From Step 1: Import of the CoinLedger app, select Add Account, and then search for TON.
Step 2: Find Your Public TON Address
No matter what type of wallet you are using (Trust Wallet, Tonkeeper, etc.), you can locate your public TON address from within your wallet provider.
Copy your wallet address to your clipboard, and then proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Paste Your Public TON Address
Once you’ve located your public TON address, paste it into the address box shown below and then press Connect Wallet to sync your transactions.
Note - If your wallet transacted with a smart contract that CoinLedger does not integrate with yet, these transactions will be imported as Uncategorized. You can properly map those transactions by following the directions in this guide.